My views on blockchain / bitcoin

Going from abstract to concrete:

  • Private currency: good. I would love to have lots of them, just as I love both gold and silver.
  • Blockchain: not so good, more of a solution in search of a problem. The only advantage it has compared to an append-only database is decentralization… and I don't see a need for that. I would much rather have many private currencies. Also, in practice most coins are actually centralized, or at least a very small oligarchy.
  • Bitcoin: nah. Really bad. Incredibly slow to initialize, slow transactions, easy to control by a sustained state-level effort, very low cap on number of transactions per second, plenty of bugs, hard-forks which means the code is actually controlled by a small group (which in turn means that I can't trust that the currency itself is decentralized)… nah.

In conclusion, I like the initiative, and I'm 100% behind the idea that we need to separate states and money, but we're nowhere near yet.


Anonymous said…
Bitcoin was a great proof of concept, but the next gen of cryptocurrencies need to be better, more transactions per second and more privacy. What do you think of grincoin?
Marcel said…
Grin looks interesting on a superficial read; it remains to be seen how practical and useful it will be in reality.

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