
Showing posts from April, 2016

A simple rules engine

I'm extracting data from some OCR'd letters and, in order to determine which type of letter I'm parsing, I'm using a method similar to this: public Letter Parse(string text) { Letter result; if (text.IndexOf("...", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) >= 0) letter = new LetterA(); else letter = new LetterB(); //... additional processing return letter; } If the letter contains a specific text, I know it's of one type; otherwise I'll default to the other type. Unfortunately that's going to get really complicated, really fast once I start adding new letter types. I read somewhere that "you should move logic out of the code and into the data when possible"; it made sense and I never had a reason to regret it. So, let me try to do that here. First I'll add a "rules list" class that will allow me to store the

Crystal Reports woes

This took me an hour to figure out so I thought I'd write it down in case it helps anyone else. If you have a form that's going to display a Crystal Report and you want to zoom it by default, the "normal" way would be to do this in form_Shown: private void ReportViewer_Shown(object sender, EventArgs e) { viewer.Zoom(2); // 1 = page width, 2 = whole page, 25..400 = zoom factor } (Where viewer is the CrystalReportViewer component.) Unfortunately, it takes CR a while to compute and display the actual report; by the time that happens, the .Zoom() call has already been executed (and ignored). I have tried a number of workarounds (including launching a thread, waiting for two seconds and then calling the Zoom method - it worked but it was a horrible hack) before I discovered that CR has a "hidden" PageChanged event (it has a [Browsable(false)] attribute). Use that event by assigning a handler in the constructor: viewer.PageCha