A simple rules engine

I'm extracting data from some OCR'd letters and, in order to determine which type of letter I'm parsing, I'm using a method similar to this:

        public Letter Parse(string text)
            Letter result;
            if (text.IndexOf("...", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) >= 0)
                letter = new LetterA();
                letter = new LetterB();

            //... additional processing
            return letter;

If the letter contains a specific text, I know it's of one type; otherwise I'll default to the other type. Unfortunately that's going to get really complicated, really fast once I start adding new letter types. I read somewhere that "you should move logic out of the code and into the data when possible"; it made sense and I never had a reason to regret it. So, let me try to do that here.

First I'll add a "rules list" class that will allow me to store the various criteria:

    public class RulesList<T, TResult>
        public RulesList()
            rules = new List<Tuple<Predicate<T>, Func<TResult>>>();

        public void Add(Predicate<T> condition, Func<TResult> constructor)
            rules.Add(Tuple.Create(condition, constructor));

        public TResult Get(T criteria)
            return rules
                .Where(rule => rule.Item1(criteria))
                .Select(rule => rule.Item2())


        private readonly List<Tuple<Predicate<T>, Func<TResult>>> rules;

I've made this class more generic by replacing the string type with T; honestly, I don't think there will ever be a need for anything else in this project but… it wasn't a big "expense".

Using this is quite simple at the moment:

    public class LetterSelector
        public LetterSelector()
            rules = new RulesList<string, Letter>();

            rules.Add(s => s.IndexOf("...", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) >= 0, () => new LetterA());
            rules.Add(_ => true, () => new LetterB());

        public Letter Parse(string text)
            var letter = rules.Get(text);
            //... additional processing

            return letter;


        private readonly RulesList<string, Letter> rules;

Is this a big gain? Right now it doesn't look like I gained anything; however, bitter experience taught me that methods with many conditionals quickly become an unmaintainable mess (you haven't lived until you've had to fix a method with 700+ lines and a cyclomatic complexity over 200). This will allow me to separate those conditionals into their own lambdas or small private methods in the LetterSelector class.


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