Retry algorithm

Retry with exponential back-off

Update on July 24, 2016: I just discovered Polly, which does this and more a lot better.

I think this is an useful class so I'm just going to leave it here. (I'm annoyed by the duplication between Retry and RetryAsync but I haven't been able to remove it.)

  public interface RetryPolicy
    T Retry<T>(Func<T> func);
    void Retry(Action action);

    Task<T> RetryAsync<T>(Func<Task<T>> func);
    Task RetryAsync(Func<Task> action);

  public class RetryPolicyWithExponentialDelay : RetryPolicy
    // ReSharper disable once InconsistentNaming
    public Func<double> GetRandom = () => RND.NextDouble();

    // ReSharper disable once InconsistentNaming
    public Action<int> Sleep = timeout => Thread.Sleep(timeout);

    public RetryPolicyWithExponentialDelay(int maxCount, TimeSpan initialDelay, TimeSpan maxDelay)
      this.maxCount = maxCount;
      this.initialDelay = initialDelay;
      this.maxDelay = maxDelay;

    public T Retry<T>(Func<T> func)
      var count = 0;
      var delay = initialDelay;

      while (true)
          return func();
          if (count >= maxCount)

          delay = IncreaseDelay(delay);

    public void Retry(Action action)
      Retry(() =>
        return 0;

    public async Task<T> RetryAsync<T>(Func<Task<T>> func)
      var count = 0;
      var delay = initialDelay;

      while (true)
          return await func();
          if (count >= maxCount)

          delay = IncreaseDelay(delay);

    public async Task RetryAsync(Func<Task> action)
      await RetryAsync(async () =>
        await action();
        return 0;


    private static readonly Random RND = new Random();

    private readonly int maxCount;
    private readonly TimeSpan initialDelay;
    private readonly TimeSpan maxDelay;

    private void SleepUpTo(TimeSpan delay)
      var actualDelay = (int) Math.Truncate(GetRandom() * delay.TotalMilliseconds);

    private TimeSpan IncreaseDelay(TimeSpan delay)
      delay = delay.Add(delay);
      if (delay > maxDelay)
        delay = maxDelay;

      return delay;

I'm also adding the tests here:

  public class RetryPolicyWithExponentialDelayTests
    private const int RESULT = 100;

    private RetryPolicyWithExponentialDelay sut;

    private int called;
    private int sleepTime;

    public void SetUp()
      sut = new RetryPolicyWithExponentialDelay(5, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1), TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5))
        GetRandom = () => 1.0,
        Sleep = timeout => sleepTime += timeout,

      called = 0;
      sleepTime = 0;

    public class Sync : RetryPolicyWithExponentialDelayTests
      private Action action;
      private Func<int> func;

      public void InnerSetup()
        action = null;
        func = () =>
          return RESULT;

      public class SyncFunc : Sync
        public void NoErrors()
          action = GetActionWithErrors(0);

          var result = sut.Retry(func);

          Assert.AreEqual(1, called, "Function was not called");
          Assert.AreEqual(RESULT, result, "Invalid result");
          Assert.AreEqual(0, sleepTime, "Should not have slept");

        public void OneError()
          action = GetActionWithErrors(1);

          var result = sut.Retry(func);

          Assert.AreEqual(2, called, "The call was not retried");
          Assert.AreEqual(RESULT, result, "Invalid result");
          Assert.AreEqual(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1).TotalMilliseconds, sleepTime, 1, "Did not sleep the correct amount");

        public void TwoErrors()
          action = GetActionWithErrors(2);

          var result = sut.Retry(func);

          Assert.AreEqual(3, called, "The call was not retried twice");
          Assert.AreEqual(RESULT, result, "Invalid result");
          Assert.AreEqual(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1 + 2).TotalMilliseconds, sleepTime, 1, "Did not sleep the correct amount");

        public void FourErrors()
          action = GetActionWithErrors(4);

          var result = sut.Retry(func);

          Assert.AreEqual(5, called, "The call was not retried four times");
          Assert.AreEqual(RESULT, result, "Invalid result");
          Assert.AreEqual(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1 + 2 + 4 + 5).TotalMilliseconds, sleepTime, 1, "Did not sleep the correct amount (limited by max delay)");

        public void TooManyErrors()
          action = GetActionWithErrors(10);

            Assert.Fail("The call did not throw");
            Assert.AreEqual(5, called, "The call was not tried five times");
            Assert.AreEqual(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1 + 2 + 4 + 5).TotalMilliseconds, sleepTime, 1, "Did not sleep the correct amount (limited by max delay)");

      public class SyncAction : Sync
        public void NoErrors()
          action = GetActionWithErrors(0);


          Assert.AreEqual(1, called, "Function was not called");
          Assert.AreEqual(0, sleepTime, "Should not have slept");

        public void OneError()
          action = GetActionWithErrors(1);


          Assert.AreEqual(2, called, "The call was not retried");
          Assert.AreEqual(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1).TotalMilliseconds, sleepTime, 1, "Did not sleep the correct amount");

        public void TwoErrors()
          action = GetActionWithErrors(2);


          Assert.AreEqual(3, called, "The call was not retried twice");
          Assert.AreEqual(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1 + 2).TotalMilliseconds, sleepTime, 1, "Did not sleep the correct amount");

        public void FourErrors()
          action = GetActionWithErrors(4);


          Assert.AreEqual(5, called, "The call was not retried four times");
          Assert.AreEqual(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1 + 2 + 4 + 5).TotalMilliseconds, sleepTime, 1, "Did not sleep the correct amount (limited by max delay)");

        public void TooManyErrors()
          action = GetActionWithErrors(10);

            Assert.Fail("The call did not throw");
            Assert.AreEqual(5, called, "The call was not tried five times");
            Assert.AreEqual(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1 + 2 + 4 + 5).TotalMilliseconds, sleepTime, 1, "Did not sleep the correct amount (limited by max delay)");

    public class Async : RetryPolicyWithExponentialDelayTests
      private Action action;
      private Func<Task<int>> func;

      public void InnerSetup()
        action = null;
        func = async () =>
          await Task.Run(action);
          return RESULT;

      public class AsyncFunc : Async
        public async Task NoErrorsAsync()
          action = GetActionWithErrors(0);

          var result = await sut.RetryAsync(func);

          Assert.AreEqual(1, called, "Function was not called");
          Assert.AreEqual(RESULT, result, "Invalid result");
          Assert.AreEqual(0, sleepTime, "Should not have slept");

        public async Task OneErrorAsync()
          action = GetActionWithErrors(1);

          var result = await sut.RetryAsync(func);

          Assert.AreEqual(2, called, "The call was not retried");
          Assert.AreEqual(RESULT, result, "Invalid result");
          Assert.AreEqual(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1).TotalMilliseconds, sleepTime, 1, "Did not sleep the correct amount");

        public async Task TwoErrorsAsync()
          action = GetActionWithErrors(2);

          var result = await sut.RetryAsync(func);

          Assert.AreEqual(3, called, "The call was not retried twice");
          Assert.AreEqual(RESULT, result, "Invalid result");
          Assert.AreEqual(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1 + 2).TotalMilliseconds, sleepTime, 1, "Did not sleep the correct amount");

        public async Task FourErrorsAsync()
          action = GetActionWithErrors(4);

          var result = await sut.RetryAsync(func);

          Assert.AreEqual(5, called, "The call was not retried four times");
          Assert.AreEqual(RESULT, result, "Invalid result");
          Assert.AreEqual(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1 + 2 + 4 + 5).TotalMilliseconds, sleepTime, 1, "Did not sleep the correct amount (limited by max delay)");

        public async Task TooManyErrorsAsync()
          action = GetActionWithErrors(10);

            await sut.RetryAsync(func);
            Assert.Fail("The call did not throw");
            Assert.AreEqual(5, called, "The call was not tried five times");
            Assert.AreEqual(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1 + 2 + 4 + 5).TotalMilliseconds, sleepTime, 1, "Did not sleep the correct amount (limited by max delay)");

      public class AsyncAction : Async
        public async Task NoErrorsAsync()
          action = GetActionWithErrors(0);

          await sut.RetryAsync(() => Task.Run(action));

          Assert.AreEqual(1, called, "Function was not called");
          Assert.AreEqual(0, sleepTime, "Should not have slept");

        public async Task OneErrorAsync()
          action = GetActionWithErrors(1);

          await sut.RetryAsync(() => Task.Run(action));

          Assert.AreEqual(2, called, "The call was not retried");
          Assert.AreEqual(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1).TotalMilliseconds, sleepTime, 1, "Did not sleep the correct amount");

        public async Task TwoErrorsAsync()
          action = GetActionWithErrors(2);

          await sut.RetryAsync(() => Task.Run(action));

          Assert.AreEqual(3, called, "The call was not retried twice");
          Assert.AreEqual(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1 + 2).TotalMilliseconds, sleepTime, 1, "Did not sleep the correct amount");

        public async Task FourErrorsAsync()
          action = GetActionWithErrors(4);

          await sut.RetryAsync(() => Task.Run(action));

          Assert.AreEqual(5, called, "The call was not retried four times");
          Assert.AreEqual(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1 + 2 + 4 + 5).TotalMilliseconds, sleepTime, 1, "Did not sleep the correct amount (limited by max delay)");

        public async Task TooManyErrorsAsync()
          action = GetActionWithErrors(10);

            await sut.RetryAsync(() => Task.Run(action));
            Assert.Fail("The call did not throw");
            Assert.AreEqual(5, called, "The call was not tried five times");
            Assert.AreEqual(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1 + 2 + 4 + 5).TotalMilliseconds, sleepTime, 1, "Did not sleep the correct amount (limited by max delay)");


    private Action GetActionWithErrors(int errorCount)
      return () =>
        if (called <= errorCount)
          throw new Exception();


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